Dennis Tseng

Dennis Tseng

An analyst & R lover

National Taiwan University


I am Tzu-Hsuan Dennis Tseng. As a reporter specializing in data-driven news and in-depth interviews, I’ve cultivated a keen interest in digital trends, the software industry, and artificial intelligence, including AIGC. I believe that story-telling with data can help us change the world in a positive way.Before transitioning to the media industry, I honed my quantitative skills and applied them to analyze transactional and user behavior data.

Beyond my professional pursuits, I maintain a vigilant eye on issues like disinformation, the societal impact of algorithms, AI’s intersection with journalism, and media bias. I have a particular fondness for data visualization and analytics. Feel free to contact me if you got any tips or if you want to share stories with me.

  • Data Journalism
  • Data Visualization
  • Reporting & Writing
  • Statistics
  • Data Analysis
  • MA in Journalism, 2022

    National Taiwan University

  • BBA in Business Administration, Operations Management & Business Analytics Module, 2019

    National Taiwan University

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  • No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan, Taipei,
  • National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Journalism